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Safety Tips for Drivers to Drive Smart

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Learning how to drive can be overwhelming. Even the first time around, it takes a bit of time to become accustomed to the complex and sometimes unpredictable. There are so many road rules that it’s easy to fall into a rut and forget what you’ve learned. That is why you need to follow some quick safety tips for drivers to drive smart at all times on the go. Read on.

Remember to buckle your seat.

Remember to buckle your seat belt every time you get into the car. Make sure that it is in good condition and that it fits properly. If possible, check for any wear or damage before getting behind the wheel. If you don’t know how to drive a car properly, take some time and learn how to operate one safely from the best driving school in Ajax. It may seem like a lot of work, but learning these skills will make life easier when driving around town on any given day!

Smart Driving saves your life.

Be aware of your surroundings and what’s going on around you at all times. It includes people in vehicles, pedestrians, animals, and other objects. Keep an eye out for anything that might cause problems for drivers (such as debris on the road) or pedestrians (like loose parts from cars). Look left-to-right before turning right so that other cars have time to pass safely while waiting behind yours after turning onto another street or driveway leading away from where they came from.

Adjust and position the mirror as you need them

Adjust your mirrors to ensure you can see what is behind you. If there are bushes, trees, or other obstructions in front of your car, adjust the angle of your rearview mirror, so it’s pointing directly at them. It will allow you to check for oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

Use side mirrors to check for oncoming traffic and pedestrians when parking or driving slowly down a road with no barriers separating vehicles (like when driving over a bridge). Similarly, use rearview mirrors to check behind you before changing lanes; this is especially important when turning left onto another street or making turns at intersections without signal lights!

Say no to Distracted driving.

One of the most crucial safety tips for drivers to drive smart is saying no to distracted driving, as it is the most dangerous form of driving and is illegal in most states, so it’s important to know what you can do to avoid getting caught up in this dangerous practice.

  • Use a hands-free device if possible. It will allow you to safely make and receive calls while keeping your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all times.
  • Switch off your phone or put it in airplane mode while driving so that incoming text messages, emails, and social media updates don’t distract you from safely operating your vehicle!

Pay more attention to the road, traffic, and signs.

More than 28% of people get involved in road accidents due to giving less attention to the road rules. It means you must consider looking for signs and signals and be aware of what’s happening around you. When driving down the road, keep one eye on the traffic behind you and ahead. If cars are coming from behind or next to you, slowly slow down so they can pass without hitting each other with their bumpers. Also, make sure not to drive too fast; if someone needs more time than others because they’re elderly or disabled, for example, then let them go first! It will make everyone feel comfortable while keeping everyone safe on the road at all times.


With so many things to think about while driving, it’s easy to lose focus on the road. But if you consider your driving mistakes and look at these tips closely, you can ensure that your life is protected when behind the wheel. Well, if you still think that you need expert guidance that can help you understand the proper safety tips for drivers to drive smart, get in touch with Growing Star Driving School, which is considered the Top Driving School in Durham Region. So, contact us now!